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Writer's pictureMichelle Harris

He's a Liar

He’s a smooth talker.

He’s convincing.

He’s even charming.

At least initially.

It takes awhile to see that he is not who he says he is.

But he’s so convincing, compelling, conniving.

He tricks you into thinking that what is almost right is right. But what is almost right is not right. It's not in your best interest. He keeps you from living, really living. He keeps you small. He holds you back.

It’s a façade.

He wants to distract you, drag you down, drag you away from truth so slowly you can’t see what’s happening.

He comes to steal, kill and destroy.

He’s the devil in disguise.

But Jesus comes that you may have life and have it abundantly. To live abundantly, you must armor up. You must fight back. And you must refute the lies.

The lies that become your story that you tell yourself....

“I’m not enough”

“I’m too much”

“If only I had….”

“If only I was…”

“If this happened…then I’d be happy….”

“I’m too heavy”

“I’m too thin”

“I’m not strong enough”

“This is too hard”

“God isn’t really good”

“God has forgotten me”

“My worth is in my weight”

“My identity is in my marital or parental status”

“I can never change”

“_______________” You can fill in your own blank.

The enemy is a liar. Don’t go one more day without slowing down to think about how you are thinking. What are you believing? What story are you telling yourself?

The Bible tells us to take every thought captive.

Every thought.

Take it to Jesus. Let His refining love burn the lies to dust. Let Him re-purpose the dust into solid truth that will stand the test of time.

Here is a great truth to start with.

“Lord, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139 tells me I am your workmanship. Help me place my identity in You. And in the name of Jesus, I speak against the lies of the enemy. They have no place in my heart, mind and soul. Fill me up with Your truth.”

Here’s to denouncing the lies.

Here is to living in truth. Living abundantly. Living life to the fullest.

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